Fellow Pastors,

On behalf of the Metro Oklahoma City Navigators, we are pleased to invite you to the EQUIP OKC Discipleship Conference, a refresh of the pre-Covid, Annual-Fall-Discipleship Conference. Here are two items for your consideration:


As in the past, we are hosting a pre-conference complimentary luncheon for pastors on Friday, September 30, at 12:00 PM at Wilmont Place Baptist Church. A trio of ministry leaders from area churches will make brief statements and then facilitate a time of question and answer and discussion. This is an excellent opportunity to get relational time with other pastors who have a yearning to raise up spiritual generations of disciple-makers in the local church and community. Please RSVP for the luncheon by Monday, September 26th (link below).


The EQUIP Conference begins at 7:00 PM Friday, September 30th, with a time of prayer, followed by socializing at 9:00 PM. The Saturday, October 1st, portion of the Conference opens at 8:00am for those who have not pre-registered online. The first plenary session begins at 9:15 AM, and the conference concludes at 4:30 PM. All sessions and workshops take place at Wilmont Place Baptist Church, 6440 S. Santa Fe Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73139. For up-to-date information about schedule, lunch menu, directions, and cost please go to www.okcnavs.org/event/equip-conference/. If you are prepared to register or would like to donate or utilize the Assistance Fund to meet a need, go to our website at https://navigators.regfox.com/equip-okc-2022. This intentional time will encourage you and enhance your ministry.

Again, please RSVP for the pastor luncheon by Monday, September 26. To RSVP, please call or text Bob Kanary at 405.328.9123, or Juan Price at 405.962.9576, or RSVP by email at bobkanary@sbcglobal.net.

In Christ,                                             

Pastor Bob Kanary  & Pastor Juan Price

On behalf of the Metro Oklahoma City Navigators